Professional Painting Services

When you are in the market for residential painting, commercial painting and cabinet painting services, you need look no further than Fate Painting to feel confident about the choice you make. We have the necessary industry experience, and we know what it takes to get the job done…and get it done right. We offer top-quality workmanship and customer service that is second to none. 


Walls & Ceiling


Doors & Baseboards

Staining & Refinishing

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Stucco, Wood, Brick, & More



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pressure Washing


We Work Around Your Business Schedule!

Custom Brand Specific Painting

Metal & Industrial Surface Painting

Low Odor Material for Sensitive Enviroments

High Quality Residential & Commercial Painting for More than 10 years.

Fate Painting is an established painting company in the Tri-Cities, Washington area with a longstanding commitment to honesty, communication, and quality of work. We work with homeowners, general contractors, facility and plant managers, tenants, or owners for residential and commercial painting needs. With a commitment to high standards, quality of work, and concise communication with our clients, our staff will take care of you throughout the entire process.


Or Call: (509) 737-7467


What Should I Look for When Hiring a Painting Contractor?
Many factors contribute to great professional service for painting jobs, whether at home or a commercial setup. The factors that set apart an excellent professional service from an average one are reliability, honesty, and efficiency on the job along with experience and skilled workmanship. These qualities are ideal for the best paint job, no matter the location.

Besides these basic points, it is crucial to take into consideration the painting warranties, licenses, part of trade associations, and the materials and the techniques used to execute the job.

How Do I Know You Are Licensed and Insured?
Liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance are of utmost importance. They not only protect the painting contractors from accidents, but they also ensure that the customer is not held liable for any accidents or mishaps during the execution of the project.

Simply ask us for the verification of the insurance papers before committing to hiring us, and we would be delighted to give you a copy of our license and insurance, including workers’ compensation insurance.

How Long Will it Take to Paint my House?
This figure will be different for each house and the level of maintenance for each room. For the interior, for example, a medium-sized bedroom should take between four to six hours to complete, which will include all the sanding, caulking, adding a primer, and covering the floor. In the case of painting the trims, customers can expect another hour to two on that; thus, on an average, it takes about seven to eight hours to complete a medium-sized room.

The prior condition of the room, the number of coats required for the desired effect, the room size, and finally the contracting teams’ experience play a significant role in this variable.

Do You Charge for Estimates?
Although many companies opt to charge their customers to offer the first quote, we, at Fate Painting, will offer our customers a free quote with just a call. Our team will take about 15 minutes to look around and give an estimate of the cost.


License: CC FATEPPL784QN

UBII: 604-986-423


Acct# 999219196


Policy# VIGP022654


(509) 737–7467